cs2skinsfree.ru - Фишечки CS2

Фишки, команды и советы для КС2

Различные полезные приёмы, фишки, советы и хитрости для игры КС2

Counter-Strike 2: Things and secrets

Next is a list of commands that can be used to improve your game

Color correction

r_fullscreen_gamma 3

CS2 / Bind Jumpthrow CS2

alias "+stetik" "+jump"
alias "+fonzi" "-attack; -attack2"
alias "+netti" "-jump"
bind "KEY" "+stetik; +fonzi; +netti"

Fast С4 drop

alias +c4 slot5;
alias -c4 drop;
bind KEY +c4;

Alias bind to quickly switch weapons for CS2

alias +knife slot3
alias -knife lastinv
bind q +knife

Bind on the perfect jump

alias +DJUMP "+jump; +duck"
alias -DJUMP "-jump; -duck"
bind space "+DJUMP"

Bind to the perfect radar in CS2

bind "h" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.45 1 0.55"
The principle of operation. Press h, the radar scale increases, thus it is easier to navigate if you need to get into position through smoke. Press h to return the radar to its original state. You can change the h button to your more convenient one.

Включаем/выключаем follow recoil

bind n "incrementvar cl_crosshair_recoil 0 1 1"
The peculiarity of the command is that when we press the bind, we turn on the following of the sight for recoil. When pressed again, it is disabled.

How to improve FPS and get rid of friezes in CS2.

engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick 1

Optimal CS2 startup parameters.

1. Open CS2 2. Select the Game item🠖Training🠖Competitive mode 3. On the left, turn on all 4 points ✅ 4. Open the console and write: cl_import_csgo_config 1 5. Log in to CS2 6. Done, the config has been moved without any bugs.

Optimal CS2 startup parameters.

-allow_third_party_software +exec autoexec.cfg -novid -high -freq 144 -refresh 144 +fps_max 400 +rate 786432 -nojoy -threads 12

Disable voice chat with one button

bind "j" "incrementvar voice_modenable 0 1 1"
When you press the "J" key, the voice chat will turn off. When pressed again, turn on. You can change the button for yourself.

Mutate the enemy team with one buttonМут вражеской команды по одной кнопке

bind "h" "incrementvar cl_mute_enemy_team 0 1 1"
The bind saves time, thus there is no need to go into the settings and muddy / confuse opponents. Now when you press h, the enemy team will automatically be sent to the mut. You can change the h button to your own.

Optimal graphics settings for CS2

The overall quality of the shadows is set to High Because there are dynamic shadows in CS2, thanks to this item, he will be able to see the enemy from around the corner if there is a light source behind him. The detail of models and textures is set to Average When firing the tracer bullets will be clearly visible and will not become pixelated. +this option does not affect FPS in any way

Improved wheel jump for CS2

alias "+myjump" "+jump"
alias "-myjump" "-jump"
bind "mwheeldown" "+myjump; -myjump"
bind "mwheelup" "+myjump; -back; -myjump"

Long Jump for CS2

alias _checkw "-back; -forward; alias checkw";
alias +w "+forward; alias checkw _checkw";
alias -w "checkw";
bind w +w
alias +lj "+duck; +jump; checkw"
alias -lj "-duck; -jump; "
bind "mouse4" "+lj"

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